Monday, January 10, 2011

cheap diamonds

Things to Consider When Purchasing Cheap Diamond Rings

The reason why diamonds are so loved all over the world is because of its striking effect, its shining beauty and its brilliance. The mere sight of a good quality diamond can make anyone's heart throb. It is for this reason that so many people are actually always on the lookout for cheap diamond rings so that they can make their special day unforgettable.

Here are some basic guidelines that will help you get the best and cheapest deals without being ripped off.

1. Know your prices
Knowing diamond prices is a tall order to follow as diamonds prices vary wildly as does the diamonds themselves, but if you want a good deal you simply cannot afford not to know. A good place to start is to research online for price ranges, also visit jewelers ask for prices and talk the diamond language.

2. Know when to Buy
Another useful factor you can use to your advantage to buy cheap diamonds is by knowing when the discounts seasons are for a particular diamond or for that matter any diamond. For example if you are looking to buy heart shaped diamond cuts, the best time is to get them right after Valentine's Day when they are generally sold with heavy discounts.

3. Know what you are looking at
Scouring thrift shops and pawn shops for cheap diamonds is another viable option if you have the time and are knowledgeable about diamonds. With luck you could even end up getting a deal of a lifetime.

4. Know the Source
The closer you get to the source, the cheaper is the cost. So find wholesalers or suppliers who sell to wholesalers. It will be tricky to get them to sell to you but if they do you will get the best deals.

5. Buy Cheap Diamond Rings from Smaller Stores
You might want to purchase the diamond ring from small jewelry shops rather than buying it from a big shop. Lot of times these small stores offer great discounts during the festival season and are run single handed by the owner since they want their customers to be happy. Here you will have an option to negotiate on the price of the ring and would possibly get the ring at a great price.

Some Other Things to Consider When Purchasing Cheap Diamond Rings

Except for the points given above, there are also a few other things to consider when you are out to purchase diamonds. The cut of the stone is also quite important. The quality of the diamond also depends on its carat as well as its cut. A good diamond will reflect the light back and it will show the real beauty of the stone. The diamonds are measured in carat. The higher the carat, the higher the quality would be and the higher the price would be too. These were a few points which will help you find cheap diamond rings.

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