Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wholesale diamonds

Wholesale diamonds - The Best Buy

Wholesale Diamonds- Is it possible for you to buy at wholesale prices?, maybe. Today, there are many different ways to find good deals on diamonds and some of these modern ways to buy a diamond did not exist last century when I started off in the jewelry business. Understanding the diamond distribution system will help you understand where and how you will buy your next diamond.

In the past, buying a diamond wasn't as easy as it is today. The advent of internet has maximized the supply chain and many wholesale diamonds jewelry dealers are now ready to sell their items straight to the customers.

Wholesale diamond
The diamond wholesale dealers offer diamonds to the customers at very lesser prices, when compared to the prices at the local retails shops.

There are things to consider before entering into a wholesale diamond business. First is the cut. It must be noted that diamond jewelry is dependent on the cut and jewelry wholesalers pays special attention to this.

This is where online jewelers and vendors come in. They sell their diamonds over the net thus saving more money than jeweler store owners do. They have lower overhead operation cost and saves money purportedly for wages, boutique rentals, and insurance. The good thing about wholesale diamond trading is its networking advantage.

In this kind of business set up, jewelers become part of a bigger network and distribution channels sharing inventories from a number of diamond providers. These inventories can be accesses by jewelers and vendors and is updated periodically. The jewelers then set their price per diamond. A comparison can now be made between these vendors and consumers can now access quotations and then later choose from among these which best suit their budgetary requirements.

The main concern for the buyer is that he or she is getting what they paid for. Diamonds are priced on their cut quality and weight. So it is important to be able to establish that for each diamond. Getting a proper independent appraisal for a diamond from a gemological laboratory to establish the diamonds qualities is very important.

It does not matter very much if the seller is a retailer or a wholesaler provided the above points are taken care of. There is nothing like doing due diligence and finding out what the qualities of diamonds are and the current prices of wholesale diamonds

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