Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Citrine Jewelry

Citrine Jewelry Review

When it comes to jewelry then both metals and stones play a very important role in its formation. It is up to the user which type of jewelry he or she prefers to use. Many people prefer to go for metallic jewelries that provide them glittering and a shiny look. Despite of this fact, there is a shortage of people who give more precedence to gemstone jewelries.

Citrine in History

Citrine was also used in ancient times as an amulet to protect the bearer or the wearer from a snake's venom and even evil thoughts. It is also one of two birthstones for the month of November.

If you are seeking for the jewelries made up of precious gem stones then there are numerous options available in front of you. Gemstones vary according to their shape, size, quality, availability and price. Till now you have read and listened regarding several of these precious natural stones. But here in this article we are going to discuss regarding the jewelries made up of natural stone called Citrine. People who prefer to wear citrine jewelry believe that there are many significant facts of history are related with citrine. This is the reason why people will get influenced if they wear citrine jewelry on their body.

It is the birth stone for the month of November. It is also a vital gem stone that is used to celebrate the thirteenth anniversary of marriage. The jewelries that are made up of citrine ranges in color from clay orange to straw and sun yellow. It is also available in deep, Madeira red color. In the past, the jewelries made up of Madeira colored were quite popular and valuable. But now-a-days, the citrine jewelry made up of orange and yellow colored stones are highly in demand. If you search for the jewelries in quartz variety then natural bright yellow citrine jewelry is the rarest to find. This is mainly because it is not available naturally in abundant quantity.

The beautiful colors of citrine may symbolize idealism, wealth, and friendship. Everyone has different beliefs of what the color yellow means to them. This stone is mostly found, and mined, in Brazil. It is definitely a favorite of jewelers. They are crafted to reflect the dazzling light, even from a woman's ear. Citrine earrings are a spectacular, well thought of, gift for any woman in your life.

 Copyright 2010 Jewellrystores

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