Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wedding Tiara

Steps To Finding Your Perfect Wedding Tiara

Wedding tiaras or bridal tiaras will make the bride look beautiful and make her feel extra special on the wedding day. Tiaras and crowns have been used for centuries and are also called as diadems. Tiaras were thought to confer honor and status to the wearer and its use can be traced back to Rome, Greece and ancient Egypt.

Tiaras are worn today even at beauty contests, balls, and other parties. Along with their veils, tiaras are worn by brides today at their wedding ceremony.

wedding tiara
So why choose crystal over diamante?

Diamante tiaras are mass produced and therefore cheap, often imported and widely available, for some they make the perfect choice especially if the budget is severely limited. But since they are machine produced there's no option to amend the design for example changing the colour. So if you've seen a design you like but want to shorter, in different colours or in a child size, you're stuck. This is where crystal tiaras have a massive advantage.

If you choose a crystal wedding tiara you will be able to add other crystal colours to your tiara so you can co-ordinate your bridal accessories with your wedding colours. For example when I created my own tiara I added fire opal crystals to match the orange of my bouquet. Another idea is incorporating the colour of the embroidery on your wedding dress into your wedding tiara.

If you're planning on having similar but less detailed tiaras for your bridesmaids this can easily be done with crystal tiaras where as it would be very difficult to find a diamante manufactured tiara that will match. Many brides that I've worked with have young daughters with are either being child bridesmaids or flower girls and they want a miniature version of their own tiaras which is only possible with crystal wedding tiaras and it looks really cute.

elect a tiara that would go well with the other jewelry and mens bracelets. If the bride is planning to wear gold jewelry, then select a tiara with gold embellishments. For silver or platinum jewelry, choose a tiara with a similar look.

Brides who are planning to wear a veil should also consider the look and style of the veil. The chosen tiara should be able to securely fasten the veil on the bride's head. Discuss options with the hairstylist in order to match the right hairstyle with the tiara as well as securing the piece on the bride's head. There are shops which already offer a combination of tiaras with veils or the bride can choose to buy each separately. Consult with the designer of the wedding dress or the seamstress for ideas on a wedding tiara, if the bride is having trouble looking for the right wedding tiara for the special occasion.

Lastly but just as important, choose a tiara based on the budget available. Avoid spending too much for a tiara that would only be used once and only for a few hours. There are less expensive options, reducing the pressure to buy a tiara fitted with real diamonds or Swarovski stones. Browse through shops and magazines for affordable yet sophisticated tiaras that would fit all the other elements of the ensemble.

Read mens earings article here.

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